
Coldspring Hosts College-Level Courses for Local High School Students

Classroom for Discovery Academy

Cold Spring– Coldspring® recently partnered with four local high schools (ROCORI, Paynesville, Kimball, and Eden Valley-Watkins) and St. Cloud Technical & Community College (SCTCC) to provide college-level courses to high school students. The classes, focused on improving students’ skills and knowledge in manufacturing and engineering, are held on the Coldspring campus and will be provided through the entire 2020-21 school year.

The courses, referred to as Discovery Academy, are taught by SCTCC instructors and include both classroom and hands-on learning opportunities to help students gain specific skills that many employers are looking for when hiring for manufacturing- and engineering-based positions. Through these courses, students earn college credits at no cost.

“We are pleased to be partnering in this opportunity to provide local students the opportunity to learn about manufacturing and engineering fields.  Through this effort, we will help them to discover that they can develop a successful career path in this industry,” said Greg Flint, President of Coldspring. “Creating awareness for rewarding and fulfilling career opportunities is the first step in helping to solve the STEM skills gap that so many businesses are dealing with.”

Classes started on September 8th, and 12 students are currently enrolled in the first course on Safety Awareness. Courses run for one quarter and students can receive two credits per course. Upcoming course topics will focus on Maintenance Process and Production, Quality Practice, and Maintenance Awareness. Classes meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for two hours in the Engineering Department at Coldspring Headquarters.

Aaron Barker, Energy and Electronics Instructor at SCTCC, is the lead instructor of Discovery Academy. The college has partnered with local high schools and Coldspring to provide an opportunity to educate students interested in the Manufacturing field as they make decisions about their future education and career paths.

“When local high school students have the chance to learn at the college level and  get that hands-on experience, it’s beneficial to everyone: the students, the high schools, SCTCC and future employers,” said Barker. “I’m looking forward to seeing how this program can develop.”

Discovery Academy courses are currently offered to seniors enrolled at one of the four high schools (ROCORI, Paynesville, Kimball, and Eden Valley-Watkins), with hopes to extend the course offering to juniors in the coming year based on interest. If you know a high school senior or junior who attends one of the local area high schools and would be interested in these classes, please encourage them to speak with their school to learn more and sign up.

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