Industrial Products

Granite Lining for Pickling Tanks

Coldspring is one of the leading suppliers of custom granite parts for new and existing pickling operations, including brick-lined tanks, helping to ensure high levels of reliability and longevity. We also offer high-quality, acid-resistant mastic for establishing durable, reliable and extremely tight granite-to-granite seals.

Granite to Minimize Maintenance & Repair

Rockville Beige and Lac du Bonnet® granites possess superior resistance to temperature extremes, acid corrosion and abrasion, making them highly effective lining material for new pickling tank construction, as well as for custom-fabricating a variety of granite replacement pieces for both granite and brick-lined tanks.

Extend the Life of Your Tanks
We leverage both Building Information Modeling (BIM) and precision production capabilities to provide exceptionally tight fits, while also producing duplicate parts as a repetitive process rather than individually by hand. Simply provide the dimensions and piece identification, and we’ll take care of the rest. Throughout the design process, our drafters will leverage BIM to offer time-saving suggestions, guarantee design efficiency and optimize quality of construction.

Acid-Resistant Mastic

Granite parts fabricated in large pieces reduce the number of joints required and increase the speed of the installation process. These joints can be sealed with a chemically engineered elastomeric sealant, which will not break down as the liner heats, cools, expands or contracts. Acids stay within the tank and away from the rubber lining, increasing reliability and longevity.

At Coldspring, we can distribute elastomeric sealant separately or in conjunction with granite parts, offering you precision product right from the start.

Reach Out Today

Coldspring natural stone samples are available upon request. Reach out to us today to request a sample, or get a quote on your next project today.
