Case Studies

Highway 23 Paynesville Bypass

In order to improve mobility and safety for motorists traveling along the Highway 23 corridor, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) embarked on a project to extend 7.7 miles of the divided highway. Known as the Paynesville Bypass project, work began in mid-April, 2010 and was completed in July, 2012. Along with the construction of a four-lane divided bypass, the project also included grading, construction of eight bridges, surfacing, and lighting.

To procure materials for the project, the contracting company, KGM Contractors Inc., worked with Kraemer Trucking and Excavating Inc.

Coldspring supplied 43,000- tons of granite aggregates from multiple quarries. The granite aggregate was provided in sizes from 3/8-inch to 1-inch.




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